Episode 112
#112: Blockchain for the Rest of Us
April 26th, 2016
16 mins 16 secs
About this Episode
This week Dave talks with Jeremy Eder about blockchain, Hyperledger, OpenShift Blockchain, and more!

- Blockchain
- Hyperledger
- Ethereum Used for ‘First’ Paid Energy Trade Using Blockchain Tech
- OpenShift Blockchain Initiative
Cutting Room Floor
- The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin
- (Unprofitably) mine Litecoin using a RHEL 7 container
# Dockerfile for cpuminer
# usage: docker run creack/cpuminer --url xxxx --user xxxx --pass xxxx
# ex: docker run creack/cpuminer --url stratum+tcp://ltc.pool.com:80 --user creack.worker1 --pass abcdef
FROM rhel7
MAINTAINER David Egts <david.egts@gmail.com>
RUN yum -y update && \
yum -y install git automake gcc make curl-devel
RUN git clone https://github.com/pooler/cpuminer
RUN cd cpuminer && \
./autogen.sh && \
./configure CFLAGS="-O3" && \
WORKDIR /cpuminer
ENTRYPOINT ["./minerd"]
We Give Thanks
- Jeremy Eder for getting us all blockchained up!