Episode 22
#22: The Al Capone School of Management
July 30th, 2013
1 hr 9 mins 35 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about: Professional Wrestling, Professional Android Security, Professional Evangelism with Steve Citron-Pousty, and a very unprofessional Linus Torvalds.

- Gunnar’s buddy Andy suggests he builds his own desk: Make Your Own Multi-Level, Adjustable Height Standing Desk
- Gunnar thinks Andy, a carpenter, is overdue for a visit to Austin
- Multi level filing system makes a perfect accessory for a multi level desk
- WWE embarrassed as wrestling match outcomes leaked online
- Google Storing WLAN Passwords In the Clear
- c#29: “Is the general public willing to lose access to their backup should they forget their password?”
- Encrypt-y the Bear: only you can prevent password leakage
- Listener action item: We need a Dan Walsh-looking Encrypt-y the Bear picture
- Crypto Cat is a registered trademark of the NSA
- CyanogenMod to incorporate SELinux
- Linus Torvalds Defends His God-Given Right to Offend You
- Red Hat Partner Day
- Events
- Mil-OSS, August 7th and 8th in Charleston, SC
- Lauren’s Scratch on Raspberry Pi Akron LUG presentation on August 1
- The Great Guinea Pig Escape has >1000 views!
- CloudFORMS NOW!: A web site we like and need to know who made it
- RHEL 5.10 beta includes SCAP 1.2 and Red Hat Access
- Red Hat Summit 2013 – Streamlining and Accelerating Your IT Service Delivery with OpenShift Enterprise
- Department of Interior joins the ranks of SCAP Security Guide committers
- Gunnar at the Champions for Change event
- An open source effort we like: Code for America
- HT Steven Citron-Pousty: (OpenShift powered) Interactive Atlas Highlights Water Use Issues in California
- Interactive Atlas Highlights Water Use Issues in California
- The New California Water Atlas
Cutting Room Floor
- Speak Spanish like Che Guevara: Coup Lingo
- Emulate a Raspberry Pi with Pidora on QEMU
- Upgrade your microwave oven to be controlled by a Raspberry Pi
- Powering your Raspberry Pi with fire
- If you aren’t ready yet to upload your mind to Google: Inside Google HQ: What does the future hold for the company whose visionary plans include implanting a chip in our brains?
We Give Thanks
- Andy for reminding us how bad we were at wood shop
- Element 14 and the Akron LUG for being so supportive of Lauren and young makers everywhere
- Steven Citron-Pousty for guest starring on the show!
- Erich Morisse for helping us speak Spanish like a revolutionary
- Kutiman, for the Mother of All Funk Chords