Episode 60
#60: Faraday Pajamas
August 26th, 2014
51 mins 21 secs
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about vampire plants, spider oaks, and ultrasonic potatoes.

- Lauren’s latest project now published: Raspberry Pi powered juggling performance
- Gunnar loves pajamas, especially these
- HT Matt Micene: Ultrasonic everything
- Gunnar removes chips, water, and plants from the Faraday cage in his basement: Researchers reconstruct human speech by recording a potato chip bag
- The Gyroscopes in Your Phone Could Let Apps Eavesdrop on Conversations
- Bad Bio: Evil Talking Plants Use DNA Communication
- Open source mind control: A new brain-computer interface lets DIYers access their brain waves
- Yahoo to provide PGP encryption for mail
- Almost related: AOL still has 2.3 million dialup subscribers
- SpiderOak Implements A Warrant Canary
- Google Says Website Encryption – Or Lack Thereof – Will Now Influence Search Rankings
- In-Q-Tel CISO Dan Geer: Security expert calls home routers a clear and present danger
- More from Dan Geer: CIA’s venture firm security chief: US should buy zero-days, reveal them
- Good news/bad news for Shawn Wells: Ohio Turnpike says sponsorships, ads OK, but not naming rights to tollway
- Formal ALUG Meeting: Controlling juggling pins with Raspberry Pi – Lauren Egts on September 4
- Try the tel:// hack yourself by clicking here to call Red Hat’s 800 number and buy something
Cutting Room Floor
- Google Mesa is crazytown
- From O’Reilly Radar’s Four short links: “Paper by Googlers on the database holding G’s ad data. Trillions of rows, petabytes of data, point queries with 99th percentile latency in the hundreds of milliseconds and overall query throughput of trillions of rows fetched per day, continuous updates on the order of millions of rows updated per second, strong consistency and repeatable query results even if a query involves multiple datacenters, and no SPOF. (via Greg Linden)”
We Give Thanks
- Matt Micene for making us more paranoid
- Mr Porter for the thumbnail on this post.