Dave & Gunnar Show
Not our circus, not our monkey.
Episode 171: My Favorite Things, Part 2
December 18th, 2018 | 22 mins 1 sec
boomerang for gmail, eisenhower decision matrix, gmail priority inbox, google calendar, google inbox, grammarly, headspace, todoist
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about our favorite (technology) things that make us happy and productive! (Part 2)
Episode 170: My Favorite Things, Part 1
December 11th, 2018 | 23 mins 24 secs
beyondpod, blogtrottr, day one, feedly, google home, ifttt, kornshell, libby, nest doorbell, overdrive, pocketcasts, remember the milk, the economist, todoist
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about our favorite (technology) things that make us happy and productive! (Part 1)
Episode 169: Pushing the Envelope
November 19th, 2018 | 39 mins 12 secs
american airlines, china, fips, forbes, lawfare, malware, rhel, rhel 8, ups
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: Chinese industry helping the Chinese government, the Chinese helping US state governments, some dude helping himself to UPS’s mail, and some other dude being no help to American Airlines
Episode 168: #TrashCasket
October 31st, 2018 | 34 mins 54 secs
amazon, aws, bezos, browns, needles, rhel 7.6, signal, trashcasket, uber, whatsapp, worms
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: Needles in stomachs, worms in faces, drunks in Ubers, and meetings in Amazon
Episode 167: Here you go, Kyle: All about Serverless and FaaS
October 23rd, 2018 | 19 mins 45 secs
aws lambda, cloudy chat, faas, functions as a service, knative, lambda, red hat summit, serverless
This week Dave talks with Gordon Haff about the importance of serverless computing, Functions-as-a-Service, and what Red Hat’s doing about them.
Episode 166: Manifesto at 30,000 Feet
September 20th, 2018 | 50 mins 31 secs
arnold bennett, cal newport, deep work, eudaimonia, eudaimonia machines, herbert a. simon, how to live on 24 hours a day, open office plans, the shape of automation
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about what works and doesn’t work when trying to do Deep Work
Episode 165: If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it
August 23rd, 2018 | 42 mins 56 secs
billboards, broken windows theory, china, defragmentation, e-zpass, facial recognition, google my activity, ios, jaywalking, johnny got his gun, metallica, pig brains, sea slugs, social credit score, twitch
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about China. That’s all. Just China.
Episode 164: The Fine Line Between Firefighters and Arsonists
August 14th, 2018 | 48 mins 12 secs
day one, google home, remember the milk, todoist
This week Dave and Gunnar talk with Bob St. Clair about managing his time, managing his people’s time, and managing his managers who manage their people’s time
Episode 163: Gaia Hypothesis, But for Email
July 19th, 2018 | 38 mins 31 secs
alexa, alexa for hospitality, d&i, diversity, email hygiene, facebook, giraffes, hippos, ibm, marriott, safaris, stow, surveillance, tracksmith, watson
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: discrimination paranoia, microphone paranoia, more microphone paranoia, and rhetorical paranoia. Finally: vacation message protocol.
Episode 162: Salad Cream
June 20th, 2018 | 38 mins 31 secs
ai, bob ross, comma.ai, facebook, gdpr, golden gate taproom, home delivery, hpc, insomnia, metallica, mit, phone booths, psychopaths, rhel, salad cream, smart locks, tesla, thunder in the valley, usb fans
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about making things worse with technology: Metallica, AI, locks, and Salad Cream.
Episode 161: Continuous Improvement
June 7th, 2018 | 39 mins 31 secs
closer, foam pits, google assistant, google duplex, intelligence squared, kent state, net neutrality, neverssl, online dating, space suits, unicode
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about improving AI with improv, improving the internet with the air travel experience, improving fraud with spacesuits, and improving online dating with the gig economy
Episode 159: Authors in Action
May 29th, 2018 | 33 mins 41 secs
books, manning, openshift
This week Dave talks with Jamie Duncan and John Osborne about their new book OpenShift in Action!
Episode 160: Our other favorite RPM
May 19th, 2018 | 41 mins 9 secs
d&i, diversity
This week Dave and Gunnar talk with Rachel Meyers about navigating the wild and wooly world of diversity and inclusion
Episode 158: The Stephen King of Coloring Books
May 1st, 2018 | 33 mins 53 secs
buildah, containers, coreos, cri-o, fips, oci, podman, red hat summit, selinux
This week Dave talks with Dan Walsh about why he likes CoreOS, coloring books, and what’s on tap for the Red Hat Summit!
Episode 157: From One to Moby
April 19th, 2018 | 30 mins 10 secs
cyrptocurrency wallets, day one, earthworm jerky, ketchup singles, moby, tear gun
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about earthworm jerky and ketchup slice sandwiches, hacking tamper-proof cryptocurrency wallets, and D&G’s recommended hats for fooling face recognition systems into thinking that you’re Moby
Episode 156: It’s not a breach, it’s a feature
April 12th, 2018 | 45 mins 44 secs
at&t, cambridge analytica, facebook, hal 9000, pinkerton, rocket man
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about the definition of "breach," the definition of "permission," and the definition of "rat-catching team"