Dave & Gunnar Show
Not our circus, not our monkey.
We found 1 episode of Dave & Gunnar Show with the tag “placebo pills”.
Episode 234: You Are the Active Ingredient
May 6th, 2022 | 31 mins 3 secs
amazon, ar, ar real estate, augmented reality, cows, cryptocurrencies, denver, denver broncos, fake shutdown, farmers, garage door openers, grammarly, grammarly premium, ios, malware, metal, metal detector, milk, milk production, missile silos, music, personally identifiable information, pii, placebo pills, placebos, ratings, real estate, superworld, uber, vr, zeebo
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about clever uses of malware, cows, virtual reality, augmented reality, cryptocurrency, and the Denver Broncos (not all at the same time)