Episode 42
#42: Topic Roulette
February 5th, 2014
1 hr 9 mins
Your Hosts
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about: cleaning out the attic, transparency in companies, new RHEV release, and Packing for Mars by Mary Roach.

- Lauren’s new article: Like Arduino? Miniaturize your project with TinyCircuits
- EFY Times’ version, now updated to include a little attribution
- Now use sound to levitate and do neat things with water
- HT Dan Walsh: Learn Spanish using SELinux
- Announcing New Amazon EC2 M3 Instance Sizes and Lower Prices for Amazon S3 and Amazon EBS
- Amazon’s ‘schizophrenic’ open source selfishness scares off potential talent, say insiders
- Amazon is a hornet’s nest of malware
- Adware vendors buy Chrome Extensions to send ad- and malware-filled updates
- Red Hat Summit sessions now live — 160+ sessions in 15 parallel tracks!
- Gunnar tells us How APIs will drive agency PaaS adoption
- RHEV 3.3 is now out!
- Self hosting helps further Dave’s vision of Secure virtualization for tactical environments
- Red Hat Storage adds new data protection features too
- Robin Price and Ted Brunell get CAC enabled OpenSSH to push code into OpenShift using git!
- See also: Dan Risacher‘s most awesome PuTTY-CAC
- A Customer We Like: The Lockheed Martin Cyber Security Alliance
- Gunnar’s version of AMSR: Hellekson Syndrome or “things fitting perfectly into other things”
- HT Erich Morrisse: Cow tunnels are the subterranean part of Manhattan’s lost meat infrastructure
- Michael Bay freakout lesson: there is no such thing as winging it
- D&G Book Club
- Confessions of a Public Speaker by Scott Berkun
- Packing for Mars by Mary Roach
- Jump to Android’s Quick Settings with a Two-Finger Drag
- The Sims Changelog is amazing
Cutting Room Floor
- Using sprintf() is a decision you can never take back
- North Korea knows what’s up
- Art sadly imitating life: A conference call in real life
- Awesome infoviz: Google’s Music Timeline: A Visualization of 60 Years of Changing Musical Tastes
- 16 Stupid Tech Job Interview Questions: Show Your Snark
- Q: If you could throw a parade of any caliber through the Zappos office, what type of parade would it be?
- A: I would return the money for the parade to shareholders.
We Give Thanks
- Dan Risacher for making PuTTY-CAC, the constructive feedback, and being a good sport!
- Dan Walsh for helping us brush up on our Spanish.
- Robin Price and Ted Brunell for their CAC work!
- Erich Morrisse for adding “cow tunnel” to our vocabulary.