Episode 43
#43: Amquft
February 18th, 2014
58 mins 42 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about: robotics, public and not-so-public goods, and redesigning airlines.

- Dave is glad he’s moving to US Airways: United Airlines drops Cleveland as hub airport
- HT Cleveland expat James Labocki: Did Burke Lakefront Airport Miscalculations Add to Hopkins Hub Troubles in Cleveland?
- Meanwhile: Delta’s 80’s In-Flight Safety Video
- Almost related: Dave makes contingency plans for in-flight calling with DrumPants
- Risacher cited Hellekson’s Law twice at the Adobe Government event last week. Woo!
- Robotics fun: Team 2399‘s Epic Weekend!
- This year’s challenge
- Team 2399’s robot vision code on GitHub with OpenCV
- Ars rolls in with a telepresence robot
- Goldfish driving a robot car
- CFPB pull request of the week: I want RSS, you don’t have RSS, so here’s a patch enabling RSS on your website
- Comcast customer surprised to learn new router is also public hotspot
- Graph only Verizon FIOS here: Netflix ISP Speed Index
- NBC Olympic Coverage Is Killing Cord Cutters like Gunnar
- Dave is moderating a Red Hat Summit panel of Innovation Award finalists!
- HT Langdon White: Check out DevNation April 13-16 while at the Red Hat Summit!
- Red Hat and Hortonworks Deepen Strategic Alliance on Hadoop
- New by Dave: 2 questions to ask before diving into infrastructure-as-a-service
- RedHatGov on GitHub!
- British Airways RHEVs up private cloud
- Try it yourself!
- Boarding pass redesign
- Gunnar’s fitbit and stated vs. revealed preferences
- The Perfect Way to Hold a Hamburger, Proven by Science
Cutting Room Floor
- NSA-o-matic
- When not denouncing people in North Korea, try the State of the Union generator
- Postmodernism Generator
- Scott Pakin’s automatic complaint-letter generator
- Klingon valentines
- Evil Mad Scientist Valentines
We Give Thanks
- Dan Risacher for mentioning Hellekson’s Law!
- Langdon White for reminding us to talk about DevNation!