Episode 44
#44: Glad to be here
March 4th, 2014
1 hr 12 mins 32 secs
Your Hosts
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about affordances, partnerships, and a bunch of reasons Red Hat is a great place to work.

- Gunnar gets angry about DRM all over again and gets a ChromeCast while Dave is still thrilled with his Roku 3
- Google buys SlickLogin, a startup out to kill the password with sound
- If you can’t wait for the book or movie, check out the D&G Origin Story
- Fork your own agency open source policy
- “Run me on OpenShift”
- Dave bait: Dear Car Makers: Please Hire People Like This
- So we don’t get hate mail from Langdon White: Check out DevNation April 13-17 in San Francisco!
- Get the lowest rate for the Red Hat Summit by going through your Red Hat account team
- Dave on a panel about How to Acquire and Implement Secure Cloud Solutions at the Symantec Government Symposium
- The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence welcomes Red Hat as a National Cybersecurity Excellence Partner
- Alcatel-Lucent and Dell are using Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform for (Software Defined) Networking
- Red Hat Storage 2.1 released!
- Test drive this and more on AWS!
- Red Hat Urges Supreme Court to Address Impediments to Innovation
- The Best Cloud Computing Companies And CEOs To Work For In 2014
- A lifehacker we like: Dave and Gunnar review Jim Whitehurst’s productivity tricks
- Speaking of CEOs: How to Write Emails Like a CEO
- Email signature rules of engagement: the now-defunct protocol.by
- See the archived protocol builder
- related: remember geekcode?
- Is that a wallabag in place of Pocket or …?
Cutting Room Floor
- Using Civ IV in schools: ENDORSED
- Tom Lee: “it’s especially vital now as the current generation of granary workers prepares to retire”
- HT Uzoma Nwosu: Exploring regional listening preferences
- The to-be-created OpenShift app of the week: Infinifriends sitcom script generator
- Bitcoins vs. Beanie Babies
- Plague Doctors are terrifying
- Guinea pig alternative: The sugar glider
We Give Thanks
- AT&T U-verse for a great customer support experience.
- Jim Whitehurst for being a CEO we admire.
- Tom Lee for reminding us of the granary workers.
- Uzoma Nwosu for letting Dave know that Florida Georgia Line exists and is really popular in Ohio.
- Chris Williams found a bug in our mp3 encoding. Thanks, Chris! Problem fixed.