Episode 62
#62: Gone With the Wind
September 16th, 2014
43 mins 16 secs
About this Episode
This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about man-in-the-middle attacks, and that’s pretty much it.
- Chromebook update: OpenVPN now works out of the box on Chrome OS 37.0.2062.119 (Platform version: 5978.80.0/5978.81.0) or higher
- Google Hangouts gets a huge update, including Google Voice integration
- Meanwhile: AT&T to Launch WiFi Calling in 2015
- Gunnar visits OTF
- Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies
- Totally creepy: A New Type of Phishing Attack
- Canvas fingerprinting is creepy, and how it’s being delivered (by AddThis) is creepier.
- Gunnar will be at Salon du Logiciel Libre et des technologies ouvertes du Québec le 17 septembre 2014
- SLED Red Hat Virtual Summit 2014 on Sept 24 and 25
- From the Gospel of St. Kurt: Is your software fixed?
- Satellite 6 is GA: Get started here
- Red Hat Open Demos
- HT Dave Sirrine: Awesome RHEL 6 to 7 cheat sheet!
- Microsoft, eBay apps open to man-in-the-middle diddle
- The Man in the middle: Comcast Wi-Fi serving self-promotional ads via JavaScript injection
- Rogue ‘Cell Towers’ Can Intercept Your Data; At Least One Found In Chicago
- Bonus: “The police seem to have interpreted the agreement to bar them even from revealing their use of Stingrays to judges, who we usually rely on to provide oversight of police investigations”
- Top Secret America
- Solutions:
Cutting Room Floor
- Poststructuralism explained with hipster beards
- Breast pump hackathon
- More clothing as survelliance countermeasure