Episode 47
#47: Out-of-Order Execution
April 10th, 2014
1 hr 6 mins
About this Episode
This week Dave and Gunnar talk about home storage, open source 5th columnists at MSFT, the Amazon unicorn factory, Gunnar’s new job, new workflow, and Georgios Papanikolaou, a monthly visitor of guinea pigs.
- Redshift in EPEL dynamically adjusts screen brightness and color based upon location and time of day like f.lux
- OpenSpritz and FBReader OpenSpritz Plugin for speed reading!
- Dave’s choice is jetzt on Firefox with a workaround
- Lauren, now in ebook form and as an Opensource.com 2014 People’s Choice Award nominee
- Bonus link: Ellie the robot is ready to compete
- Gunnar is thrilled about a revamped and open sourced dgshow.org his other new new project Soren!
- Gunnar’s Drobo 2.0? — Google Drive prices slashed!
- Anyone try Insync?
- Is Space Monkey the device Gunnar thought he heard mentioned on Back to Work?
- Anyone try the Synology Dropbox-like storage product?
- Goodyear Zeppelin arrives near Dave’s house
- RHEL 6.6’s plans for inclusion of the SCAP Security Guide
- Heartbleed: oy.
- See if your favorite web site is vulnerable ← Runs on OpenShift!
- Sleep well — Red Hat has you covered
- Open Wifi: don’t listen to this radio in my window.
- By extension, is it then illegal to strobe someone else’s server? Gunnar’s been complaining about this since 2003
- Microsoft releases source code for its OS and Word (MS-DOS 1.1 and 2.0 and Word for Windows 1.1a specifically)
- AWS urges developers to scrub GitHub of secret keys
- ATM operators eye Linux as alternative to Windows XP
- Dave and Gunnar need this like we need smart watches: Google and Microsoft are out to stop dual-boot Windows/Android devices
- Nice open source list of 2 factor authentication sites + ways to pester those who don’t have it yet
- HT Dave Sirrine: ScratchJr — Coding for Young Kids
- Cisco cozies up to Red Hat and KVM
- RHEL on Google Compute Engine with Cloud Access!
- AWS Achieves DoD Provisional Authorization
- RIP, the server. It’s time to breathe the air of cloud connection
- ‘Amazon has destroyed the unicorn factory’ … How clouds are making sysadmins extinct
- AFSPC CIO thinks we’re doing consolidation, not cloud. Agree? Disagree? Talk amongst yourselves.
- HT Bob Kozdemba: How to request resources for Non-Profit, Open Source, or Educational Institutions
- A Customer We Like: NASA and their launch control center firing room featuring Red Hat (Enterprise) Linux (6)!
- slack.com looks really interesting for collaboration
- Gunnar plays with capture tools like NewsBlur and Blogtrottr but can’t quit rss2email and processing tools like Pinboard which he still needs to figure out
- D&G Book Club: The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer
- Ken Burns 6 hour documentary coming in 2015
- The pap test for cervical cancer screening is due to Georgios Papanikolaou in 1928 where he studied the menstrual cycles of guinea pigs
- Related: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks — start with the Radiolab episode and follow up episode
- Bonus book: Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well
Cutting Room Floor
- Pretty great interview with Horowitz of Andreesen Horowitz
- A persuasive case for government-run/subsidized Internet
- Semantic Versioning — It’s a thing
- Amazon Dash: genius
- Make your own GitHub ribbon with CSS alone
- Twilight Zone action figures (in black and white!)
- The Expert
- JakToGo: Great for smuggling hams into movie theaters too
We Give Thanks
- Dave Sirrine for letting us know about ScratchJr
- Bob Kozdemba for helping spread the word about free OpenShift for non-profit, open source, and educational institutions